Lets Continuing to Hel the Kurdish People

How you can help

The Alliance for Kurdish Rights is a joint campaign by Arabs and Kurds. Our grassroots approach doesn't just illuminate Kurdish human rights abuses, but invites everyone to participate in the struggle themselves. Here's how you can help.

Speak Out

Social networking can turn into a global network for change. Post important stories about Kurds on your Facebook or Twitter, specifically reaching out to people who can pass the message along to a wide audience.  On Twitter, use the hashtag #kurdishrights to tap into a whole group of people participating in the conversation about abuses against Kurdish rights.

Keep up to date on the latest news and be sure to share it. Watch for news coming out of Iran, Turkey, Iraq and Syria. The media will take notice if it feels like we are taking notice.

Follow us on twitter, @KurdishRights, and retweet anything you'd like to share with your followers.

Add our banner to your site or blog to help spread awareness about recent Kurdish human rights abuses.

Reach Out

Most human rights abuses against Kurds happen in Turkey, Iran, or Syria. When a story breaks out, write a letter directly to the Turkish, Iranian, or Syrian embassy closest to you. Keep an eye out for our "Call to Action" campaigns.

Contact the Iranian or Turkish regimes directly to express your outrage and concern.

Updated November 2019


President of the Islamic Republic
Mr. Hassan Rouhani
The Presidency
Pasteur Street, Pasteur Square
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Twitter: @HassanRouhani (English) and @Rouhani_ir (Persian)

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic
Ayatollah Seyd Ali Khamenei
Mail:[email protected]


Office of the Supreme Leader
[email protected]
or click here to submit your letter

Head of the Judiciary,
Mr. Ebrahim Raisi
c/o Public Relations Office
Number 4, 2 Azizi Street intersection
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Mail:[email protected]

Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the UN
Mr. Majid Takht-Ravanchi
Mail: [email protected]
Twitter: @Iran_UN
Address: 622 THIRD AVENUE, 34TH FLOOR  NEW YORK N.Y.  10017   U.S.A, P.O.Box:20432


President of Turkey
Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Mail:[email protected]
Twitter: @RTErdogan
Address: Presidential Complex 06560 Beştepe-Ankara-Turkey

Ministry of Justice
Headed by Mr. Abdulhamit Gül
Mail:[email protected]
Twitter: @abdulhamitgul

Ministry of the Interior
Headed by Mr. Süleyman Soylu
Mail: [email protected]
Twitter: @suleymansoylu

Ambassador of the Turkish Republic to the UN
Mr. Feridun Sinirlioglu
Mail:[email protected] / [email protected]

Reach out towards international organization such as the United Nations or European Union when it is appropriate or needed.

United Nations

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
High Commissioner Ms. Michelle Bachelet
Mail:[email protected] /[email protected]
Postal address:
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

European Parliament

Chairwoman of the Human Rights Committee of the European Parliament
The Honorable Maria Erena
Mail: [email protected]

Join Us

If you would like to contribute to KurdishRights.org, contact us with your information and a writing sample.

How you can help is often dependent on the situation at hand. If you have an idea for a campaign or would just like to let us know your thoughts, get in touch with us.


Source: https://kurdishrights.org/how-to-help/

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